Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's In The Air

The Halloween prep is all around at my house.  We're getting ready for the big costume party.  I just finished making the last of my costume last night.  The boys had their top secret photo shoot yesterday.  Skip is part of my costume and will be attending the party so he said I can't post the photos until after the party.  And I just got finished making my Halloween cards today. 


Thursday, October 16, 2014

It All Started

with a women, dream, stack of cards with no home and a shoestring budget.  Sandy turned Operation Write Home into a million dollar charity and gave us all an outlet to use for our obsessive, addicted card making hobby.  There is so much that Sandy does behind the scenes to make it all work - receiving all the cards that we all make, data entry for our receipts, checking each card to make sure that they follow the guidelines, OWH TV (a daily webcast), reading all Anyhero mail and much more.    Sandy does have some volunteers in her community that give her a hand here and there, thankfully.

And through all of this Sandy had a faithful companion and Operation Write Home's mascot, Ciara.  Ciara can be seen on Any Hero mail coloring pages for OWH and also on some rubber stamps that Sandy made.  Last Thursday Sandy had to say goodbye to Ciara and told all of us on Sunday when she was ready to tell the world.  All of us volunteers have gotten to know Ciara from afar from being featured on coloring pages, stamps and OWH TV.   Sandy is still trying to keep OWH running smoothly during this time, but also wishes some privacy and will not do any OWH TV until she feels ready since Ciara was such a part of Operation Write Home. 

Sandy, you are in our thoughts and prayers on the other side of the world in MA.  Wishing you well and that we will see you again soon on OWH TV. 

Here is the card that I made for Sandy.  I highly doubt see will see it until see gets it in the mail since she is not up to checking her emails and blogs, understandably.  Plus she is away this weekend on a previously planned trip and she is hoping this will ease her mind.

Count your blessings if your dog makes it to be 15 and a half years old like Ciara. 


OWH October

Had to step up production of OWH cards this week.  Due to the drawdown they asked they we cut back on sending in Christmas cards a little.  Seems like many people cut back so they requested that everyone on the email list send in 5 Christmas cards by the end of this week.  Also, the founder wanted some with dogs on them in honor of her 15 1/2 old Golden Retriever who passed away last Thursday from a cancerous tumor.  I got the Christmas cards done and will put in mail after I make a sympathy card for the women who started Operation Write Home.  I already (7) Any Hero letters to place in the package.  Along with all of this I've been trying to get Halloween cards done and some other projects.  We have the big Halloween party coming up and I got some supplies for that yesterday - I found lots of bargains and got a lot of stuff under 10 bucks, nothing wrong with that.

Can you see the OWH cards through all this mess?  Not even going to show the floor.

There are the cards.  They were hiding under all the mess.

These are what my Any Hero Letters are written on this month.  This was the hotel we stayed at for the wedding we went to in September.  Right on the beach!
A couple of weeks ago was World Card Making Day so I set up a Card Making Party and had a friend come over to help make some OWH cards.  Her cards are below.  Joe kept telling me it looked like I was setting up a birthday party.  The boys stayed with us the whole time since they couldn't take down trees due to the rain.  They seemed interested in what we were doing, but not enough to make cards. 

Thanks Kelly for your participation - our heroes will appreciate your hard work.