Tuesday, August 27, 2019


This post has been in the works for a while but the time just didn't present itself (not that it does right now either) and I have been asked many times "when do you sleep."

A little background into what I do and why I do it. Kindness is seldom found in today's world and I like to be able to spread kindness everyday.

I work full time from home which also means that I work nights, weekends and sometimes on vacation. Some people think that working from home means you have it easier but that is not the case especially during the extra busy times. 

Along with a full time job I volunteer with my whole heart. I am involved with our local animal shelter in many areas including cleaning, walking, events and photography. I know I can't save all the animals but I can make a difference in each one I come across. Sometimes it feels like the shelter is a second home and I have met some great people in the four years I have been volunteering. Our four kids are all Alumni (don't tell Billie).

My heart and soul has been dedicated to our troops overseas for 6 years. This means needing equipment, supplies and postage which comes from my own pocket. There have been many that have generously supported this cause and I am forever grateful to those who have. I have no plans to stop until they all come home. Veteran's Day is coming and I need to prepare in advance as time allows.
Life is too short to be anything but kind and generous. I am hoping that one day I have inspired someone to do good in the world and encourage everyone to take a minute and write a letter for someone currently serving or a Veteran. I will take your letters and put them in my packages.

Along with all of this means supporting local businesses and small businesses along the way. All of my craft supplies come from from mostly small businesses that need the support. I encourage you to shop small and local. It makes a difference to the person trying to make a living and keep their head above water.

I may not be rich monetary wise but I am rich with knowing that I have made someone smile today or may have gotten a pet a home based on a photo I have taken (it has happened a few times that I know of).

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